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Fair Access Protocol for children without a school place


In Year Admissions

Most children will continue their education at the same school, moving only at normal transition times.

However, some children for a variety of reasons may find themselves without a school place and become UNPLACED with their education being disrupted.

Increasingly we are seeing house moves into an area where there are limited or no school places and securing a placement will be a challenge. It is always advisable for parents to check the situation relating to the availability of school places by researching schools and catchment areas before a house move (see link)

Researching schools and catchment area - Cambridgeshire County Council

It is also best, for children to not move schools in year, if possible, particularly for those in Year 10 and 11 studying for their options subjects and they are nearing the time when they will be taking exams.

Parents on moving house and when the existing school still is within a reasonable distance should continue attendance whilst a new place is found.

The School Admissions Code (September 2021) requires every local authority must have a Fair Access Protocol. This protocol is agreed by the majority of schools in the area and is there to make sure that, outside the normal admissions round, unplaced children, especially the most vulnerable, are offered a place at a suitable school as quickly as possible.