Independent, safe and well
There is a wide range of care and support providers throughout Cambridgeshire. Most people who contact us with concerns about needing residential care are able to remain safe, well and independent through other support.
Find out more about types of care and support and how you can organise it.
If you are unsure which council you need to contact, you can find your local council on the GOV.UK website.
Adult social care
There is more information about adult social care on our webpage about social care needs assessment.
Organising adult social care if you are moving into Cambridgeshire
The Local Authority where you usually live will organise care for a temporary move to Cambridgeshire.
If you are moving permanently we can only accept a referral to adult social care when you are registered with a GP in Cambridgeshire. If you have not moved yet. the Local Authority where you live should assess you and transfer your case with their assessment when you move.
If you are moving permanently and already have a care package, your current Local Authority will support your move to Cambridgeshire. We will take over the care package once you are a Cambridgeshire resident.
If you want to move to Extra Care housing in Cambridgeshire, we will take the referral and assess whether you are eligible.
Better Care Support online self-assessment tool
Better Care Support is an online platform which offers advice and guidance, connecting you to the right resources and services to support your social care needs.
It also allows you to assess your own care and support needs, to help you to live your day-to-day life.

The Better Care Online Assessment will:
- offer information and advice about resources and support to help you live your life independently
- help you explore your support needs
- help you consider areas where you want to make a change and the support you may need to do this
- help you use your strengths and capabilities in making the changes you want
- guide you with useful animated videos.
- Give you an option to submit your assessment if you wish to, your local Adult Social Care team will contact you to offer more advice and guidance. We can also continue your assessment and consider your eligibility for our services.
Benefits of registering with the Better Care Support platform
24/7 access gives more flexibility to complete an assessment of your care and support needs.
Complete your assessment over more than one session.
Have the people who support you there to help you to complete the assessment.
Signpost you to sources of support and advice.
Guide to Independent Living
Care Together and Care Micro-Enterprises
We are working with small local organisations to increase care and support options across Cambridgeshire. You can find details of support in the How Are You (HAY) Cambridgeshire and Peterborough website.
More information about Care Together.
Visiting Support Service for Older People
Leaving hospital
You can find information on leaving hospital in our webpage on short term care.