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Library at Home service

What is the Library at Home service?

The Library at Home service brings books direct to your door. It is available to Cambridgeshire residents of any age who find it difficult to get to the library. This could be due to disability, illness or caring responsibilities, on a permanent or temporary basis.

Library at home logo with Queen's Award for Voluntary Service badge

The service provides a monthly visit from a Library at home volunteer. They will have a chat and bring you books and audiobooks tailored to your preferences. Jigsaws can also be provided upon request.

Volunteers can also bring replacement ferrules (walking stick ends) for your walking aids. 

This is a free service but donations are gladly welcomed to support this valuable provision. 

What reading material is available?

You can request a variety of reading material from across our library catalogue.

This includes:

  • general fiction – regular or large print
  • audiobooks and CDs
  • non-fiction – regular or large print and CDs
  • people with a visual impairment can request large-print books, or audio books on CD

Do you fancy a bit of crime or a family saga?

Your Library at Home Volunteer will tailor your book deliveries to your preferences.

How can I enquire about the service?

  • You can email us at to let us know why you would like to use the service. Or to ask any questions.
  • You can phone our contact centre on: 0345 045 5225 
  • You can ask in your local library.
  • Alternatively you can fill in a paper form to request an initial assessment. You can hand the form in at any library. Or post it to:  Library at Home, St Ives Library, 4 Library Row, Station Rd, Saint Ives, PE27 5BW.

Support the Library at Home Service


In 2022, Cambridgeshire’s Library at Home volunteers received The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service. This is equivalent to an MBE for volunteering.

The volunteers select books and audiobooks thoughtfully chosen according to each reader's preference. These are then taken to the home visit. Volunteers and readers have a friendly chat, talking about books and life in general.

Being a volunteer takes a special kind of person. Someone who has a great ear for listening and can engage people well in conversation. We are on the lookout for new recruits so we hope this award will encourage people to step forward to help.

Find out more about volunteering with Cambridgeshire Libraries.

Donations are gratefully received. Financial support allows us to take the library service to people who would not be able to access it otherwise. Our volunteers also provide a vital service to help prevent social isolation.