Our Performance Management Framework sets out how we manage the performance of the Council. The framework ensures that there is a consistent, streamlined and joined-up approach to performance across the Council. It sets out:
- the purpose and scope of performance management
- how our culture underpins our performance management
- the elements that make up our performance management system
- the roles of our Councillors, our employees, and citizens
Performance Management Framework1.25MB–pdf
Size: 1.25MBFile format: pdf
Performance Reports
Commercial and Investment Key Performance Indicators Quarter 4 - 2020-21529KB–pdf
Size: 529KBFile format: pdf
Performance indicators Q4 2019-202026.46MB–pdf
Size: 26.46MBFile format: pdf
Performance indicators Q3 2019-202032.77MB–pdf
Size: 32.77MBFile format: pdf
Performance indicators Q2 2019-202020.61MB–pdf
Size: 20.61MBFile format: pdf
Performance indicators Q1 201916.94MB–pdf
Size: 16.94MBFile format: pdf