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New primary school on site of Waterbeach Barracks Development

The Council is planning for the first primary academy and early years facility at Waterbeach New Town. It will consist of 630 primary places and 78 place pre-school places. The school will be run by Anglian Learning Trust.

It is intended that the facilities will be open to pupils from the academic year starting in September 2025. Work will start on site in Summer 2024, subject to planning permission.

The primary academy forms an integral part of the first Key Phase at the emerging Waterbeach New Town. It is being designed as a Nearly Zero Energy Building (NZEB). This is in line with the Council's Climate Change and Environment Strategy and will contribute to a reduction in car use in the development.

The Council and its project team is working with the sponsors of the new academy (Anglian Learning) and the developer (Urban & Civic) on the design. The Council has appointed RG Carter as the contractor and vHH Architects to undertake design and construction and are supported by consultants Atkins Realis.

A public consultation was held in September and October 2022.

Anglian Learning Trust (ALT)

Following a sponsor selection process, a recommendation was made to the Children and Young People’s (CYP) committee on 30 November 2021 to seek approval for the Anglian Learning Trust (ALT) to be named as the approved sponsor for the new primary school on the Waterbeach New Town development. This was upheld by members.

On 11 January 2022, the Council was informed by the Regional Schools Commissioner that Anglian Learning has been given Secretary of State approval to sponsor the proposed new primary free school in Waterbeach, South Cambridgeshire under section 6A (the ‘free school presumption’) of the Education and Inspections Act 2006.

Executive Summaries


Alan Fitz, Area Education Officer

Tel: 01223 715307 Email: