Schemes currently under design
- Milton Road Area Resident Parking Scheme (RPS) (formally Hurst Park Avenue, Elizabeth Way and Ascham Road RPS Projects)
- Romsey Area RPS (formally Romsey East, Romsey West)
- York Street Area
- Wilberforce Road Area
For further information regarding these schemes email the Greater Cambridge Partnership (GCP) or visit the GCP Website.
Resident Parking Scheme consultations
Each proposed scheme goes through an informal and formal consultation stage before it can be agreed and implemented.
Informal consultation
Details of the proposal will be published on this website for local people and businesses to look at and give feedback. Letters about the proposal will be sent to people who live nearby.
Current proposals
The Milton Area RPS proposal has now closed.
The York Area RPS proposal has now closed.
For further information regarding these schemes email the Greater Cambridge Partnership (GCP)
Formal consultation
Details of the proposal will be published on this website, legal notice will be displayed at the location of the proposal (for example on a nearby lamp post) and the proposal will be advertised in other ways.
Current proposals
The required Traffic Regulation Order for the Milton Area RPS was published on Monday 18 March 2024 and the deadline for objections was 12 April 2024. The feedback received is currently being reviewed and the matter will be determined in accordance with the Council’s normal decision-making powers. Those who submitted written representations will be informed of the process in due course.
The required Traffic Regulation Order for the York Street Area RPS was published on Wednesday 22 January 2025 and the deadline for objections is 20 February 2025. For more information and to find out how to respond to the consultation please visit our permanent traffic regulation orders page.
You can read more information about how Resident Parking Schemes work, what is involved in setting one up and any schemes which have been prioritised by visiting our Resident Parking Scheme Policy page and our Cambridge Resident Parking Scheme Delivery plan page.