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Resident Parking Scheme consultations

Schemes currently under design

  • Milton Road Area Resident Parking Scheme (RPS) (formally Hurst Park Avenue, Elizabeth Way and Ascham Road RPS Projects)
  • Romsey Area RPS (formally Romsey East, Romsey West)
  • York Street Area
  • Wilberforce Road Area

For further information regarding these schemes email the Greater Cambridge Partnership (GCP) or visit the GCP Website.

Resident Parking Scheme consultations

Each proposed scheme goes through an informal and formal consultation stage before it can be agreed and implemented.

Informal consultation

Details of the proposal will be published on this website for local people and businesses to look at and give feedback. Letters about the proposal will be sent to people who live nearby.

Current proposals

The Milton Area RPS proposal has now closed.

The York Area RPS proposal has now closed.

For further information regarding these schemes email the Greater Cambridge Partnership (GCP)

Formal consultation

Details of the proposal will be published on this website, legal notice will be displayed at the location of the proposal (for example on a nearby lamp post) and the proposal will be advertised in other ways.

Current proposals

The required Traffic Regulation Order for the Milton Area RPS was published on Monday 18 March 2024 and the deadline for objections was 12 April 2024. The feedback received is currently being reviewed and the matter will be determined in accordance with the Council’s normal decision-making powers. Those who submitted written representations will be informed of the process in due course.

The required Traffic Regulation Order for the York Street Area RPS was published on Wednesday 22 January 2025 and the deadline for objections is 20 February 2025. For more information and to find out how to respond to the consultation please visit our permanent traffic regulation orders page.

You can read more information about how Resident Parking Schemes work, what is involved in setting one up and any schemes which have been prioritised by visiting our Resident Parking Scheme Policy page and our Cambridge Resident Parking Scheme Delivery plan page.

How Resident Parking Schemes work

A RPS ring fences available parking spaces to those who live in the area. To park in a scheme during operational hours a permit is required. A Penalty Charge Notice (PCN)may be issued to any vehicle not displaying a valid permit during the schemes operational hours.

The cost of a resident permit varies depending on the operational hours of a scheme.

As a Resident Parking Scheme (RPS) directly benefits residents that live in the streets covered by the proposed scheme, the cost of permits is paid for by residents.

The Greater Cambridge Partnership has agreed to fund the implementation costs for resident parking schemes in Cambridge. This includes removal of the additional one-offset up cost historically paid by permit holders.

Residents would be able to apply for visitor permits. You can apply for up to 20 permits per year, each permit allows 5 separate visits. Tradespeople permits are also available for those working in an RPS. Residents do not need to hold a valid residents permit or own a vehicle to apply for visitor permits.

For further details of permits that are available including tradesperson permits, visit our parking permits page.

Blue badge holders can park without a permit in a residents parking area, for an unlimited amount of time, when displaying a valid blue badge.

The Council receives a lot of complaints about parked cars blocking footways for pedestrians, pushchairs and wheelchairs. Therefore, we need to avoid allowing parking on the footway unless adequate width remains for safe pedestrian access. Parking on footways would be considered in exceptional circumstances.

For enforcement purposes, it is essential that drivers are aware of where they can and cannot park. Generally, where parking is permitted the areas will be marked out as white boxes with post or wall mounted signs alongside.

Where parking is not allowed, yellow lines are used which may also require signs. In some schemes it is not practical to mark out bays on the road in which case there will be zone signs at all entry points and repeater signs in each street but no bay markings. These schemes are known as Permit Parking Areas (PPA).

The proposed scheme would be operational during the days and times determined by the Cambridge Joint Area Committee and in response to residents needs. Vehicles parked in designated permit holder bays without displaying a valid permit during these hours may be issued a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN). At other times drivers would not need a permit to park.

Schemes would work on a first-come-first-served basis: A permit does not guarantee that a parking space will be available and bays are not assigned to individual properties or permit holders. However, permit holders would be able to park in any street in their permit area.

The introduction of parking controls may result in an overall reduction in available parking as it will be necessary to have some yellow lines to ensure that larger vehicles, such as emergency vehicles and refuse trucks are able to get through and pedestrian access is unobstructed.

Any resident who lives at an eligible address within the designated scheme and is the main insured driver of a motor vehicle, small van or motorcycle is able to apply for a permit. You can apply for up to three permits per household and per year (unless specified otherwise).

You do not need a permit to park on your driveway or any other private areas of land. If you have a constructed and utilised access with dropped kerb, we will not mark a bay across it. However, if you use your garden for parking and do not have dropped kerbs this will be treated as an unauthorised vehicular access and we may allow parking across your frontage. In this situation, you may wish to consider applying for a dropped kerbs.

Residents in receipt of care in their own home can apply for medical permits which are issued free of charge. These permits can be used by anyone who provides care including family and friends.

Within a RPS we can if necessary allocate short-stay pay and display spaces near shops and other business premises to encourage a regular turnover of parking for customers. Businesses operating within a RPS may be eligible for a business permit to cater for any essential business needs.