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Councillor Code of Conduct

All elected Cambridgeshire County Councillors are required to comply with the Councillors' code of conduct, which sets out the framework within which Councillors must conduct themselves and the business of the Council.  They must observe various rules of conduct, such as registering any employment, business or financial interests they may have, rules in relation to confidentiality and the protocol around member/officer relations.  The Code of Conduct, forms part of the Council's Constitution.

Register of Members’ Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

The Code of Conduct requires all Councillors and co-opted members to register various interests, such as membership of other organisations, the ownership of land, the receipt of gifts and hospitality, and significant financial interests.  Individual declarations of Interests can be found under “Members Interests” for each Councillor, and declarations in respect of gifts and hospitality (where received) are also listed under "Gifts and Hospitality”, on our Councillors' page

Protocol on member/officer relations

The Council has adopted a formal protocol setting out guidance for appropriate relationships between Councillors and officers.


The Council is responsible for considering complaints that a member may have breached the code of conduct.