Highway, public rights of way or common land and town / village green records enquiry
For residents requesting records advice and enquiring about highways, public rights of way or common land and town / village greens. if you require information for commercial reasons please go to our Highway searches page.
Notice to all our customers
Following recent advice on the interpretation of the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR), we have reviewed our Schedule of Charges and Access to Information, so customers can understand what highway asset records information is available, how to access it, and where charges apply.
The 'Schedule of Charges and Access to Information' provides a full list of the types of highway records customers can request access to, and the fees Cambridgeshire County Council charges for providing that data to customers.
Please note that we do not accept payment by cheque.
For more information or to make an application for highways, public rights of way or common land and town/village green information, please see Highway searches.
Certain raw data is accessible free of charge for use at an individual's own risk. It may contain errors and should not be used for legal purposes. If you have a question about highway or public right of way records, re-use of the data, or any of our fees, but an answer is not available on our web pages, please submit a query to us using the application form above.
Our highway boundary records are viewable at County Council offices during ordinary office hours by appointment only. Please complete the enquiry form above to arrange an appointment. A member of our team will contact you with further information
Adopted highways
The 'List of Streets' document shows all highways in the county that are maintainable at public expense by Cambridgeshire County Council. Alternatively you can use our interactive map.
Adopted highways are shown as thick blue lines.
The lines shown on the interactive map do not indicate the full extent of the highway and should not be relied upon for legal purposes. For more information please go to Highway searches.
If the map does not load, please view it on the MapsCambridgeshire website.
Other enquiries
For information on public rights of way, village greens, commons or open access land can be found at Definitive Map and Statement and Protecting and providing green spaces.
For queries relating to public rights of way, common land or town/village greens please submit your enquiry by clicking on the 'Submit a highway, public rights of way or common land and town/village green enquiry' form at the top of the page.
You can also view information on Mineral Consultation Areas and Flood Management and Drainage.
Making changes to the extent of highway
Areas of public highway sometimes become unnecessary for public use and the highway rights can then be 'stopped up' under Section 116 of the Highways Act 1980 leaving an area of private land (this Section can also be used to divert highway). This is commonly assumed to be in the ownership of adjoining landowners.
For more information about this process, please read the stopping up application guidance document and our set of frequently asked questions.
Frequently asked questions relating to the purchase / stopping up of Cambridgeshire County Council highway land
Applications can be made to the Secretary of State under Section 247 and 248 of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990, to stop up or divert highways to enable development to be undertaken in accordance with a valid and relevant planning permission. Applications may also include the provision of new or improved highways.
Should you wish to enquire about stopping up an area of highway, please contact us for advice using the above online application form or write to:
Highways Asset Information Team
Highways Depot
Stanton House
Stanton Way
PE29 6PY