As part of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Vision Zero Partnership, Cambridgeshire County Council works with other agencies, such as the local police and fire services to:
- Follow the Vision Zero theme of a Safe System approach. This means that safety is at the forefront of our work, with responsibility for safe roads and roadsides and elements of the post collision response. Other partners lead on identified themes.
- Evaluate road traffic collision data.
- Collision investigation and development of a Road Safety Programme.
- Carry out road safety audits.
- Deliver road safety events, campaigns, education, and training.
Road safety engineering and audits
When common collision trends are identified, engineering measures that could reduce collisions are considered. If appropriate, improvements will be highlighted for consideration in future transport delivery plans.
Road safety audits are carried out on all significant County Council and third party promoted highway schemes. This is to ensure adequate that:
- levels of safety are maintained
- safety risks are designed out of new highway infrastructure as best possible
- problems previously identified at similar sites are avoided in new works.
Requests for safety audits from developers building within Cambridgeshire should be passed through the relevant highway management engineer. Any query regarding time frames and availability of auditors can be sent to A member of the team will then contact you to discuss further.
Requests for safety audits in areas outside of Cambridgeshire should be sent to They will then be assessed and priced accordingly.
Latest road safety and handbook data
Road Traffic Collision Data
Road traffic collision data for Cambridgeshire is available in two formats:
- The provisional dataset which is updated on a monthly basis. This dataset includes the most recent records and gives a more up to date picture. The most recent data is considered provisional and is subject to change. The provisional dataset is available to view and download on Cambridgeshire Insight.
- The finalised dataset is approved by DfT in summer/autumn each year for the previous calendar year. This dataset is more stable but doesn’t provide the latest picture due to being updated on an annual basis. The finalised dataset is available to view on Maps Cambridgeshire.
Additional information can be purchased as outlined in the Council's schedule of fees and charges.
School Travel Plan
A key element of child road safety is the School Travel Plan, which enables schools to identify and address problems that often form barriers to sustainable travel to school. Travel plans are required to be submitted with any planning application for building work and also where school site developments are likely to generate additional traffic movements.

Cambridgeshire County Council has signed up to the National Modeshift STARS school travel planning scheme. It is the only national accreditation scheme for rewarding sustainable school travel plans.
STARS is an easy to use online system that significantly reduces the amount of time and work schools need to write and review their travel plans. If you are interested in using this site please email for more information.