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School crossing patrol

Cambridgeshire County Council provides school crossing patrols (SCPs) to assist children to cross the road to and from school safely.
Nationally agreed criteria are used to determine the need for an SCP and help ensure that assistance is given to those sites in most need. We also, where possible adhere to guidelines set out by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) and Local Authority Road Safety Officers' Association.
These state that:
  • a SCP should not be provided at a site that has less than fifteen children crossing the road
  • a SCP should not operate in conjunction with a light controlled crossing as it gives conflicting messages to drivers and is a duplication of resources

When an SCP displays their stop sign it is a legal requirement for motorists to stop. If they fail to do so they can receive a £1,000 fine and three penalty points on their license. SCP’s are empowered to stop traffic for anybody wishing to cross the road. The SCP must wear the required uniform, display a handheld stop sign, operate at an approved site and within their authorised hours of duty.

Stop sign road safety

Currently funding is available for new SCP sites which meet or exceed RSGB Nationally agreed criteria. However priority is given to fund those SCP sites who are considered high risk/high priority. There is an option for third party funding for sites which fail to meet the required criteria and where the Parish Council/School etc still want an SCP. Requests for a third party SCP site are considered by the County Council on an individual basis as various local factors may exist which may mean an SCP is not suitable. Even where a School Crossing Patrol is provided parents remain responsible for ensuring their children's safety to and from school. In addition to managing the SCP Service we are also responsible for the following:

  • home to school route assessments
  • risk/hazard assessing school drop off points
  • making reasonably practicable recommendations to help improve child pedestrian safety when crossing the road to/from school

If you are interested in having a school crossing patrol please contact